I have one ambition in life. It is a deep, burning longing that keeps me up at night. I have spent hours analyzing how to make my dream come true, but thus far all my scheming has been for naught. Nevertheless, I refuse to give up. Someday, somehow…I will be “That Guy!”

If you’ve never visited the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor, let me take a moment to explain. Located in Tomorrowland, the Laugh Floor gives us a glimpse into what monsters like Sully, Mike Wazowski and Roz have been up to since the events of the movie. If you recall, the employees of Monsters Incorporated have discovered that laughter is a more powerful energy source than screams. As a result, they have devoted their energy to producing laughs.

The Laugh Floor is one of the projects they use to collect the energy of laughter. It is a comedy club, MC’ed by Mike Wazowski and starring a motley collection of monsters. It’s an interactive show, similar to Turtle Talk with Crush in Epcot. The monsters in the show are able to interact with the audience, asking them questions and involving them in the jokes.

Prior to the show, Guests have a chance to submit jokes to the show. A phone number is listed which they can text their jokes too, along with a unique “code word” which changes with each show. We’ve been lucky enough to have one of our jokes accepted. Want to hear it? Of course you do!!!

Q: What’s brown and sticky?

A: A Stick!!!!!!

I’ll give you a moment to collect yourself.

As you wait in the queue, try and spot the “Monsters of Comedy” wall. It covers the “Scarer of the Week” from Monsters, Inc.’s scaring days. Based on the photos hanging on the wall, it seems that Mike Wazowski is the companies #1 guy. Fortunately, Roz is there to keep him from getting too big a head. She’s watching…always watching.

Speaking of Roz, take a look at the banners hanging in the queue area. They’re full of wonderfully bad puns. The banner featuring Roz declares, “Sometimes Comedy Isn’t Pretty!” I think it’s safe to say Mike Wazowski wrote that. Other banners have lines like “So Funny It’s Scary” and “Monster Laughs.”

Prior to entering the theater, you’ll see short videos advertising for groups like the CDA (Comedy Detection Agency) Then, you’ll be ushered into the theater.

The theater seats about 400 people. For guests with mobility issues or visiting the park in an ECV or wheelchair will not need to transition to view the show. As you take your seat, a camera pans through the audience and focuses on certain guests. Their image will appear on screen, along with humorous captions.

Here is where the true magic begins. See, you won’t be able to leave the theater until enough laughs are collected. The doors simply won’t open, so it behooves you to laugh long and loud at every joke. The characters who appear in the show are animated, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t interactive. After Mike Wazowski and Roz begin the show, the performers will appear on stage, telling their jokes and bantering with the audience. The performers include Benny Boil, a two headed monster (with names changing based on who is providing the voice backstage) and Marty Wazowski, Mike’s nephew.

As the show kicks off, the camera will focus in on one particular audience member who will be referred to as “that guy” through the rest of the performance. Whatever human is lucky enough to be dubbed “that guy” will be the butt on many of the jokes throughout the show.

It’s a delightful attraction, and the interactive element means that you never quite see the same show twice. It’s a family favorite, and has presented me with a lifelong ambition. Someday…I will be “That Guy.”

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